
A sialogram is a test which uses x-rays and a contrast medium (x-ray dye) to produce detailed images of the salivary glands (parotid or submandibular glands).


A sialogram is a test which uses x-rays and a contrast medium (x-ray dye) to produce detailed images of the salivary glands (parotid or submandibular glands).

What is a sialogram?

A sialogram is a test which uses x-rays and a contrast medium (x-ray dye) to produce detailed images of the salivary glands (parotid or submandibular glands). These glands drain saliva into your mouth through small tubes called ducts. The duct openings are located in your cheeks and under your tongue. The ducts are not easy to see on ordinary x-ray images, so we use a contrast medium to see them more clearly on the images.

You may need a sialogram if your salivary glands are swollen or painful, as they may be blocked or infected. A sialogram will help us to check for any blockages in your salivary glands and help us to plan the best treatment for you.

Other imaging modalities are often used now to assess the Salivary Glands – Ultrasound or MRI. Your referral form will be assessed by our specialist radiologist and the best imaging technique/modality selected for your clinical indications.

What happens on the day of the examination? keyboard_arrow_down

There is a consent form for this examination outlining the preparation, procedure, possible complications and aftercare. You will be asked to read through this, asked questions to ensure you are happy to continue with the procedure and lastly to sign the consent form.

At commencement of the procedure, x-rays are performed first to see if the calculus can be seen on x-ray. 

The radiologist will then squirt some bitter liquid (like lemon juice) into your mouth to activate the salivary glands. A very small tube is inserted into the salivary duct and some contrast media is injected to show the salivary glands. This causes slight discomfort due to gland fullness, but should not be painful. Repeat x-rays are then taken.

What happens after the sialogram? keyboard_arrow_down

The contrast will spill back into your mouth with help from the lemon juice again, and you can go home. The contrast can be swallowed.

A detailed aftercare sheet will be given following this procedure, outlining any possible complications.

The radiologist will review the pictures and provide a written report to your referring doctor. 

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How much will my examination cost?

Fees for radiology tests can vary and depend on a number of factors. Please make an enquiry with us by phone or email to get a quote for the service you require. ACC co-payments may apply.

We accept all radiology referral forms.

Phone: 0800 426 723

Phone: 0800 466 564

Bay of Plenty
Phone: 07 544 5993

Phone: 06 759 4317