Barium enema

A barium enema is medical imaging test that allows the radiologist to view the large bowel (colon) and diagnose bowel problems. During a barium enema exam, air may be pumped into the colon. The air expands the colon and improves the quality of images.

Barium enema

A barium enema is medical imaging test that allows the radiologist to view the large bowel (colon) and diagnose bowel problems. During a barium enema exam, air may be pumped into the colon. The air expands the colon and improves the quality of images.

What is a barium enema?

A barium enema is a diagnostic procedure recommended by your doctor for various reasons such as irregularity in bowel movements, rectal bleeding, or lower abdominal pain. 

Barium is administered into your colon through a lubricated tube inserted into your rectum. Barium is a chalky substance that can be suspended in water and is visible on x-rays. It is very safe, but you should be aware that it may cause mild constipation. Drinking water and eating a fibre-rich diet over the days following your procedure may assist if this occurs.

How do I prepare for a barium enema? keyboard_arrow_down

It is important that the bowel is empty before we start the test. For this reason, you will be given a pack of laxatives and a diet guide for the two days prior to the study. It is important you follow the instructions, and if you have any queries please don't hesitate to call, or phone us for advice or reassurance. 

Please inform us if you have had any previous abdominal or bowel surgery that could affect this preparation, e.g. colostomy. 

Female patients should inform medical staff if they are pregnant or suspect they might be.

Who performs the test? keyboard_arrow_down

The Radiologist (doctor) and a Radiographer (x-ray technician) will be in the room with you. They will explain the procedure as you go, but don't hesitate to ask them if you do not understand. 

What happens during the procedure? keyboard_arrow_down

As the bowel is a soft tissue structure, it is not usually seen on a plain x-ray. By using barium to coat the inner lining of this area, the Radiologist can see the bowel clearly on the x-ray screen and can watch the way it functions during this study. 

A small lubricated plastic tube will be inserted into your rectum by the Doctor or Radiographer. This can be a little uncomfortable; and if it is hurting, tell the Doctor. 

The Radiologist will slowly let Barium into the tube and this will gradually go up the bowel. A small amount of air will be introduced. This inflates the bowel wall; the barium coats the inside layer, and the loops of bowel can be seen more clearly. The Radiologist will take a series of x-ray pictures of the bowel as the barium passes through. The Radiologist will ask you to hold your breath for each picture, and will ask you to roll around to enable the bowel to be seen more clearly. 

The Radiologist may also give you a small injection in your arm during the examination. This injection temporarily stops the peristalsis (muscle movement) of the bowel so we can take better x-rays. Occasionally, the injection causes temporary blurred vision - this is for a few minutes, if at all. If you do feel your vision is blurred, please wait until your eyes are clear before you drive your car.

How long does the procedure take? keyboard_arrow_down

The test usually takes between 40 and 60 minutes.

What happens after? keyboard_arrow_down

After the Radiologist has seen your x-rays and the test is completed, you can go to the lavatory to get rid of the barium and air that has been introduced. Sometimes as the injection wears off, you may get a little discomfort and/or cramping. If you do feel uncomfortable, returning to the toilet or walking around may assist. 

You will notice the barium in your bowel motions for the next few days. 

The Radiologist will review the images and provide a written report to your referring doctor. 

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How much will my examination cost?

Fees for radiology tests can vary and depend on a number of factors. Please make an enquiry with us by phone or email to get a quote for the service you require. ACC co-payments may apply.

We accept all radiology referral forms.

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